This delightful little nativity set from Provence was created at the studios of Lallier-á-Moustiers. In the typical tradition of Santons the artist added towns people to the scene. These are more important than the traditional shepherds and Magi as it allows for the Holy Family to be set in a typical Provençal context. When you look closely at the faces it is as the angel and the towns people are singing. Maybe they are singing Christmas carols?
The history of faïence in Moustiers dates back to the 17th C. It is in this tradition that the Lallier family has worked as earthenware potters or faienciers since 1946. They started in Paris, moved to Orleans and now have settled in Moustiers.

Name: Nativité en Faïence
Artist: Studios of Lallier-á-Moustiers
Country: France
Material: Ceramic
Number of Pieces: 7
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, an angel and three towns people
Acquired: 2011
Artist: Studios of Lallier-á-Moustiers
Country: France
Material: Ceramic
Number of Pieces: 7
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, an angel and three towns people
Acquired: 2011